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Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs
From the Office of the President


Now You Know
By Alan Budman, FJMC International President


January 1, 2024

I wish everyone in our FJMC Family a very healthy and Happy New Year (secular)!  May it be a year of peace and security for us, Israel and the world.

The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs has many wonderful programs that impact the Jewish community, but there’s one in which we take great pride – our Inclusion Initiative.  It’s designed to make our synagogues more welcoming to underserved communities – the physically and mentally disabled, Jews of Color, the LGBTQIA+ communities and those from non-traditional families.

Some of you may be thinking, why is this necessary?  The answer is, how would you feel if, say, your child had autism, acted out at services and everyone there turned to stare?  Or if you or a close family member is part of an interfaith family and you were marginalized when you went to shul? Or, if someone close to you is a recovering alcoholic or drug abuser?  Or, if you are a Jew of Color and when you go to services, you’re asked, “Which congregant are you the care-giver for?” (Yes, that really happened).

The FJMC invited the Women’s League to partner with us, because we saw the need to create a welcoming environment for everyone whom we encounter.  We want everyone who enters the shul to feel at home – not to be on the margins, but to feel as comfortable as the member who has been here for decades.

We developed a guide which makes bringing Inclusion to your synagogue as easy as following a recipe - it’s a step by step system that will create good will for your club.  Please click here for more information.

So, join us in making your shul a welcoming place.  Please ask your Men’s Club President what you can do to make this effort a success at your synagogue. Please remember - doing what is right is beneficial for all and how we can make the world a better place.

In Brotherhood,

Alan Budman
International President, 2023 - 2025



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