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Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs
From the Office of the President


Now You Know
By Alan Budman, FJMC International President


February 1, 2024

At FJMC, we pride ourselves on being nimble and able to quickly add programs and activities that are relevant to our members' lives.  At our last Convention, we say that many of our members are enjoying delicious food a little too much, so, founded and led by Past International President Dr. Bob Braitman, we proud to announce THE FJMC “WELLNESS CLUB” INITIATIVE

Our Men’s Clubs continue to search for unique programs and initiatives that provide vital support to the men in our communities. At the same time, these programs give the Club more visibility and offer new options for engagement.

FJMC is pleased to invite your club to become a WELLNESS CLUB!

We are all concerned about men’s health and during the coming months, FJMC will offer many different and exciting ways to support the health and well-being of your membership. Wellness Clubs will receive timely tips about meaningful and successful programs from around the continent as well as opportunities to “toot their own horn” about the good initiatives that you have developed.

Members of WELLNESS CLUBS will also have access to a new app customized just for FJMC that will include tips for wellness and healthy eating as well as resources to track various health parameters. Your members will also have the opportunity to participate in an exciting fitness challenge coming in the spring-only for members of WELLNESS CLUBS.

IS YOUR CLUB A WELLNESS CLUB? Sign up for free by sending an email to and we’ll get all of the details to you right away.

In Brotherhood,

Alan Budman
International President, 2023 - 2025



FJMC provides opportunities to learn and exercise life/leadership skills which you may not have the opportunity to either learn or use in your work. (Such skills relate to working constructively with a group to accomplish something more than one person alone could not accomplish.)

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