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Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs
From the Office of the President


Now You Know
By Alan Budman, FJMC International President


April 1, 2024

We read a lot lately about the decline in worshiping and in interest for religious institutions across all faiths.  Attendance at services is down, churches and synagogues are merging or closing, young adults seem to have little interest in joining organizations of any nature, etc.

The leadership of FJMC could hide behind those statistics and watch as membership falls, but, we are growing! Due to our concerted effort to reach out to unaffiliated clubs, we have added 6 new clubs since the Convention in Philadelphia last summer!

We are blessed to have an excellent recruitment team who works tirelessly to spread the word about all that FJMC has to offer. Led by Danny Mandeau, Overall Chair of Expanding Clubs and Membership (, Assistant Chair Lester Shapiro, Rob Blitzer and Phil Margolis, the committee has made contact with many unaffiliated clubs and synagogues that don’t have a club but could maintain one.  We’re confident that many more will join us shortly.  If you know of any unaffiliated clubs or synagogues that don’t have a club but could maintain one, please let Danny know.

One of the main reasons that new clubs want to affiliate with us is that WE SUPPORT OUR CLUBS 100%!  If they need new ideas or have challenges, we are there to listen and help.  We even have a specialized group of very experienced members to assist the clubs - the 311 guys.  If the streetlight near your house is out, or there’s a big pothole in your street, you dial 311 for assistance.  If our clubs need some help, they contact the 311 guys and help is on the way. Fast and free!  Send the call for help for your club to

The TRAINING we offer to our clubs and its leaders is second to none!  We invite selected future leaders to a training session every year where they learn not only how to run their own club, but how to develop as a man, a leader and person.  I learned skills that I use daily with my friends, my job, my children and spouse.

So, you can see that there are these and many more great reasons to be a part of FJMC. Go ahead, let others in on what you have already discovered - being affiliated with FJMC is the best thing you can do to insure the future vitality of your club!

In Brotherhood,

Alan Budman
International President, 2023 - 2025



FJMC provides opportunities to learn and exercise life/leadership skills which you may not have the opportunity to either learn or use in your work. (Such skills relate to working constructively with a group to accomplish something more than one person alone could not accomplish.)

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