You are receiving this email because you’re an FJMC Leader, on the Club, Regional or International level. And we want to keep you informed of what is happening at the International Level.


Federation of Jewish Men's Clubs
From the Office of the President


Now You Know
By Alan Budman, FJMC International President


May 9, 2024

If you‘re a Club Leader, I know that everyday you wake up thinking, “How can I make my club better?”  Well, maybe not everyday.

The answer is simple - follow the guidelines to earn the Quality Club Award!  If your club qualifies for this prestigious honor, I’m sure yours will be one of the elite clubs in FJMC

Oh, you're thinking, “I don’t have the time to fill out a form”.  Actually, it’s easy! Click here to be taken to the application after login.

The requirements breakdown into 3 main categories:

  1. Participation
  2. Programming
  3. Administration

Participation includes being a part of World Wide Wrap, Yellow Candle and Inclusion and attending Regional and International events.

Programming allows you to choose a minimum of 10 out of 20 listed programs for your club to run.

Administration includes paying your dues and updating your roster, including emails, having a successor lined up to be the next President, communicating with your members, seeking new members and having a budget and a calendar, things that you probably already or could do.

The above is not a complete list nor is it in order, which can be found in the criteria and application.

The deadline for your application is July 5, 2024.  That sounds like you have a lot of time, and while it is certainly enough time, don’t wait!  Fill it out now so that if you find yourself a little short of all the requirements, you have time to make them up!

Then, enjoy being the coolest Club in your Region!

In Brotherhood,

Alan Budman
International President, 2023 - 2025



FJMC provides opportunities to learn and exercise life/leadership skills which you may not have the opportunity to either learn or use in your work. (Such skills relate to working constructively with a group to accomplish something more than one person alone could not accomplish.)

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