Musings on Masculinity

The Jewish Path to Fatherhood: Why Being a Better Dad Matters

by Rabbi Noam Raucher, MA.ed

In the timeless tapestry of Jewish teachings, the role of a father is imbued with profound significance. Guided by the rich legacy of Jewish values, fathers are called upon to be not just providers but also moral leaders and spiritual guides for their children. In today’s world, where the challenges of fatherhood are ever-evolving, embracing …

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Nurturing Personal Leadership Skills in Men: The Boardroom Versus Personal Sphere

by Rabbi Noam Raucher, MA.ed

In the realm of leadership, men often find themselves navigating between two distinct arenas: the boardroom and their personal lives. While traditional leadership skills may be honed within the confines of corporate settings, there’s an increasing recognition of the need for men to cultivate personal leadership skills, which extend beyond professional spheres into their interpersonal …

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From Bro Culture to Brotherhood: A Call for Men to Embrace Connection and Growth

by Rabbi Noam Raucher, MA.ed

In the fabric of contemporary masculinity, there exists a prevalent ethos: the “bro culture.” It’s a term that conjures images of frat parties, locker room banter, and a stoic, often superficial facade of what it means to be a man. Despite how “bro culture” often dominates male interactions, there’s a growing recognition of the need …

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Men and Masks

by Rabbi Noam Raucher, MA.ed

Purim is one of my favorite Jewish holidays. I love how much our faith takes the idea of irreverence into spiritual practice. We all need a chance to let go and “act a fool,” as Ludacris says. Sometimes, we all need permission to let go of the necessary strictures for everyday life.

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