For more than 15 years, FJMC Men’s Clubs have been cleaning the beaches, composting waste into natural fertilizer, visiting parks with their families and friends, growing fruits and vegetables for donations to community food banks and more. We have been teaching environmental lessons from the Torah. The FJMC online store markets soy-based Shabbat candles, solar powered Ner Tamids, bio-degradable consumer products and other natural products.
This Shomrei Ha’aretz affinity group webpage has many examples of Men’s Clubs organizing, planning, marketing and presenting successful diverse environmental programs that involve the congregation, young families, men and women. Some of the programs received Torch awards.
Following are ideas and resources that will help your club design and present programs that will grow your Club, activate your congregation, and contribute to protecting the Earth.
Shomrei Ha’aretz Program Ideas
Watch a webinar that explains more details about each of these programs.
Temple Sinai Men’s Club, Dresher, PA, Bruce Fagan:
“Synagogue-wide Recycling” – The goal of this program is to raise awareness and encourage ongoing recycling throughout the synagogue. We placed plastic and paper recycling receptacles in the various offices, religious school wing, auditorium, kitchen and sanctuary. We added a large recycling bin at the loading dock and contracted for weekly pick-ups from the synagogue’s trash hauler.
Adath Israel Brotherhood, Cincinnati, OH, Dr. Hamilton Lempert:
This project created a garden on the premises of the Synagogue that was planted, tended and harvested by our Brotherhood and with strong participation by our 5th grade religious school students. The harvest was donated to local food pantries.
Tifereth Israel Men’s Club, Columbus, OH, David Roseman:
Encouraged by the FJMC’s Shomrei Ha’aretz program, The Men’s Club of Tifereth Israel first asked our member, David Roseman, to perform an audit of our synagogue’s use of technology to reduce its ecological footprint. We used that audit to help our synagogue director to target ways to incorporate such activities in his daily administration of the shul. In the past six months, we’ve set up the Green Committee, with David at its head, as a stand-alone group working with the director.
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