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TUESDAY, APRIL 2, 2024 – 8:00PM EDT
Tonight’s presenters will be discussing two out of the box strategies. The first one is entitled the Distribution Solution Strategy. It enables mostly older taxpayers required to take required minimum distributions (RMD’s) from qualified plans that don’t need the monies to live on to leverage the account value up by paying a discounted tax in accordance with an IRS Private Letter Ruling and move the monies into a life insurance contract income and estate tax free after the initial tax payment.
The second one, the Charitable LLC enables taxpayers with charitable intent to move businesses assets commercial properties prior to closing or personal (investment) assets into the Charitable LLC. 99% of the unrealized appreciation and capital gains tax on the eventual disposition are eliminated and the investment(s) are shielded from creditors and predators. Replacing the assets with life insurance replaces the asset’s value. Additionally, the taxpayer receives an approximately 80% charitable deduction that is used to fund the insurance.
Richard Freiberg’s vision is to deliver innovative and tax efficient strategies to help improve business owners and high net worth individuals’ financial future by protecting their assets, minimizing taxes. and maximizing return. In other words, improving their income and quality of life while reducing risk. He builds client relationships by collaborating with a client’s other financial professionals to determine the appropriate solutions which are right for them.
Mary Read CPC, QPA, CPFA is National Director of Pension and Protection Planning at Pentegra Retirement Services and partner of M & R Business Development Group. A leading authority in qualified retirement plans with more than 30 years’ experience, Mary has an extensive background in plan design and development and experience as a marketing executive, financial professional, pension analyst and pension compliance manager for an international company.
Joe Maniaci, Jr., owner of Maniaci Consulting Group, has 17 years of experience with financial and insurance consulting. He is insurance licensed in NJ since 1999 and is LEAP Systems trained. He provides clients with a proactive approach to business, assets, and tax planning. offers advanced financial, insurance, and tax strategies to our clients to increase wealth and reduce taxes.
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