In today’s rapidly changing world, Jewish communities face the challenge of addressing the unique needs of men in ways that are both relevant to modern issues and deeply rooted in Jewish tradition. As societal norms evolve, men are confronted with pressures and expectations that can often lead to isolation, emotional distress, and a lack of …
We are deeply saddened and heartbroken by the news of the recovery of the bodies of six hostages in Gaza: Hersh Goldberg-Polin, Eden Yerushalmi, Carmel Gat, Alexander Lobanov, Almog Sarusi, and Ori Danino. This tragic loss of life is a stark reminder of the profound suffering and turmoil that continues to afflict our world. We extend …
The Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs reaffirms our unwavering stance against hatred, bigotry, discrimination and racism in all its forms. Rooted in Jewish values of justice, compassion, and solidarity, we declare our commitment to actively oppose and eradicate anti-Semitism, racism and bigotry wherever they manifest, based on the core Jewish values of Tikkun Olam (repairing …
The pressure to be a good provider can weigh heavily on Jewish men. The traditional role of a provider often becomes a mask, obscuring the deeper needs for spiritual and emotional well-being. Shabbat, the Jewish day of rest, offers a profound antidote to this imbalance, providing essential benefits that are both timeless and timely. The concept …
In the timeless tapestry of Jewish teachings, the role of a father is imbued with profound significance. Guided by the rich legacy of Jewish values, fathers are called upon to be not just providers but also moral leaders and spiritual guides for their children. In today’s world, where the challenges of fatherhood are ever-evolving, embracing …
Rabbi Noam Raucher, MA.Ed Executive Director – Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs In the bustling tapestry of the Jewish community, there’s an increasingly recognized need for spaces tailored specifically for men—places where camaraderie thrives, vulnerability is welcomed, and growth is nurtured. While women’s groups have long been integral to our community, it’s time to shine …
In the realm of leadership, men often find themselves navigating between two distinct arenas: the boardroom and their personal lives. While traditional leadership skills may be honed within the confines of corporate settings, there’s an increasing recognition of the need for men to cultivate personal leadership skills, which extend beyond professional spheres into their interpersonal …
In the fabric of contemporary masculinity, there exists a prevalent ethos: the “bro culture.” It’s a term that conjures images of frat parties, locker room banter, and a stoic, often superficial facade of what it means to be a man. Despite how “bro culture” often dominates male interactions, there’s a growing recognition of the need …
Purim is one of my favorite Jewish holidays. I love how much our faith takes the idea of irreverence into spiritual practice. We all need a chance to let go and “act a fool,” as Ludacris says. Sometimes, we all need permission to let go of the necessary strictures for everyday life.
Started April 21! Learn about Week 2 and Hadera! It is not too late to join the walking challenge! Please work with your club and region to boost participation. Count your steps as you count the Omer! See this flyer. Getting excited about our walking challenge!! THE FJMC Walking Challenge began on April 21, 2024 …
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