Health & Wealth Podcasts

This set of podcasts relates to Health and Wealth.

MP3 files for download:

H&W Podcast #01.mp3 – Headaches, Emerging 5G Technology – Part 1

H&W Podcast #02.mp3 – Motion Sickness, Emerging 5G Technology – Part 2

H&W Podcast #03.mp3 – Planning Hernia Surgery, Lay Persons Interpretation of Stock Markets

H&W Podcast #04.mp3 – Mysterious Pain and Psoriasis, Planting Your Way to Happiness, and Investing in China

H&W Podcast #05.mp3 – Health: Opioid Epidemic, Escalating Marijuana Use and Abuse, Wealth: Stock Picking and Stock Trading

H&W Podcast #06.mp3 – Health: Hypnosis, Wealth – Living Your Legacy