The Unraveller Podcasts

This set of podcasts relates to the Haftarot of the yearly cycle and provides a different perspective on these Haftarot.  Read by Michael Freilich of the Seaboard Region, who has shared his Judaic knowledge with many FJMC Leadership Development Institute (LDI) attendees, and sound designed by David Edwards, a past Regional President of the Tri-State Region, you’re encouraged to download and listen to these podcasts and consider their slightly different perspective.  In addition, Bruce Fagan, Past Regional President of the Middle Atlantic Region, is responsible for the ‘album artwork; which you see at the right side.  We welcome your comments about this podcast, which should be sent to .

* This is the regular haftarah, not the special haftarah for the year 5781 (2020-2021).

[Note: The FJMC is always looking for more people to share their skills and talents to a wider audience.  If you’d like to get involved in creating other podcasts, and either have audio software experience or would be willing to learn how to use such software and use your creative talents, send an email to David Glass, and tell us your interest and any experience you might have. It can be the start of a fascinating new adventure.]