Latest News

Improved Access to Club & Regional Officer Manual

There is now an easier way to access the Club and Regional Officer manuals.  Just log on to the website (through the Member Log on) and you’ll be presented by a new Leadership menu, and within the Leadership Menu are Leadership Documents. You’ll see the manuals as the first two entries in the table, and you’ll be …

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Mission to Southern France

In March, Gail and I had the pleasure of traveling to France as part of the 2014 FJMC/Masorti Olami Mission to Provence and Cotè d’Azur. The main purpose of the Mission was to build relationships with the two Masorti congregations in that part of the world, click here.

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Alliances – Myle’s Blog

As FJMC works to build and strengthen men’s clubs and at the same time collaborate with other arms of our Movement to address the issues facing Conservative Judaism, it’s been very enjoyable and rewarding for me personally to be able to form good relationships with the leadership of these other organizations. The presidents of United …

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Minutes of Rabbinic Think Tank on Keruv

An FJMC Keruv Rabbinic Think Tank that took place in Metuchen, New Jersey, December 2-3, 2013.  Twenty-nine congregational rabbis and two Cantors were in attendance. What follows are the minutes of the FJMC Keruv Rabbinic Think Tank that took place in Metuchen, New Jersey, December 2-3, 2013.  The taping process was not overly successful in …

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Synagogues be in 5 years?

In this thought provoking article by Rabbi Charles Simon, FJMC and Rabbi Kerry Olitzky, Big Tent Judaism/Jewish Outreach Institute, they discuss what our synagogues might be like were a Conservative/Masorti synagogues choose to respond positively to demographic change implied by intermarriage.  And they raise some of the issues that will have to be thoughtfully considered …

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Yom HaShoah Million Candle Challenge

Help us light 1,000,000 candles on Yom HaShoah in memory of the children who were victims of the Holocaust. Yom HaShoah Yellow Candles™ are now available featuring new artwork by world renowned artist and survivor, Dubi Arie. Check the Yellow Candles pages to find out information about the Yellow Candle program and  see a picture of the new candle packaging. …

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Captain Ruach Honored

Chicago Jewish News Guide to Jewish Chicago, honored our very own Burton Fischman, more commonly known as ‘Captain Ruach’ for his spirited rendition of Birchat HaMazon (the blessings after a meal), as a Jewish Chicagoan of the Year for 2013-2014. To read the article, in which his FJMC is prominently mentioned, click here. And from …

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President’s Blog Open

President Myles Simpson unveils an on-line blog, to facilitate communication between members and leadership, about the issues which clubs and members are concerned about. Through this blog Myles hopes to accomplish two key objectives: (1) share information as well as his views on a variety of topics related to FJMC, Men’s Clubs, and the Conservative Movement that you …

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Just Published: Jewish Men at the Crossroads

The latest FJMC volume dealing with men’s issues, Jewish Men at the Crossroads, is now available for purchase in the FJMC store. Click here.

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Board Approves Dues…

The Board of Directors of the FJMC has approved an increase in Men’s Club dues of $1 per club member, effective in our next fiscal year (starting Sept. 1, 2013).  The FJMC is also launching a Membership Campaign for our Men’s Clubs to help you grow your membership, starting at Convention.  We’re developing new training …

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